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Accelerator Sea Trials

Hello Chris,

After this past run of swell I wanted to drop you a line about the Accelerator you hooked me up with. It was sick up here in St. Augustine - 4 days of chest + groundswell, and 3 days of offshore winds to boot. And I surfed that Accelerator everyday.

I love that board so much I can't believe it. Another shape from you, another level to my surfing.

I didn't even think about taking the Soloist out - the Accelerator is just too freakin' sweet. But, of course, you told me this would happen.

That board catches EVERYTHING, and is amazingly fast. Like, sometimes, too fast. That board is clearly capable of surfing much faster, looser, and more aggressive than I am right now. And I love that. Board turns very fishy, but cuts back up the face in a hurry and never loses an ounce of speed. That board is just always hauling ass to the next section, offering you the chance to see what you're made of. Even snagged some really killer barrels on that board. You were 10,000% right about taking off on that highline. If you can make that line and get ya ass down and low enough, I think you can snag just about every barrel on the beach. Even made it out of a few the proper way - which, as you know, when its 3-5ft groundswell on the inside bar, making it out from under the section can be a trick.

I'm a surf the fins off that board. I love it so much.

I cannot thank you enough for the awesome work you do. I don't know if I'm repeating myself, but I basically had a 5 year hiatus from surfing while I was finishing my PhD in Tampa. Aside from some strike missions I really didn't get a chance to paddle out. Since I've been back East I've been putting in hours and work out in the water to try and get back the passion and sharpen my edge.

Your boards have been a huge part of that. I honestly feel like I'm surfing better than I was when I was 17. Maybe not as limber or rubbery, but better nonetheless. I credit your boards in a big way.

From the bottom of my bottom turns I want to thank you for being an OG surfer and shaper, and for putting the love and energy into your boards. It pours out of them on every wave.

I'm not sure I'll ever buy a surfboard from someone else. If you ever retire, you better either shape me up a decade's worth of quiver or hand me over to your protege.

Hope your bicep is on the mend!

Thanks dude. See ya next time.

Zac D.


(321) 704-0756

Factory Address: 122 Tomahawk Drive, Satellite Beach, FL 32937

Billing Address: 501 Coconut Drive Indialantic FL 32903

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2022 Surfboards By Chris Birch. Proudly created by Betty Birch

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